Bivouac nature

France > Centre-Val de Loire > Indre > 36290 > Mézières-en-Brenne > Bellebouche

A stay in a tent, between naturalist activities and immersion in nature; which involves the children in all the moments of the daily life! For 9 to 12 year olds.

The CPIE Brenne-Berry organizes a "Bivouac Nature" camp for children from 9 to 12 years old in Ruffec on the Creuse river. On the program, outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, canoeing, building huts... and time to observe and better understand what surrounds us: fishing for small animals in the river, discovery of plants along the river, night under the stars, nocturnal fauna, etc. All this while respecting the child's rhythm! The children are involved in all the moments of this stay: choice of the activities, tasks of the daily life, assessments...

Les lieux touristiques dans un rayon de 10 kms.

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