Saint-Morel - Village Fleuri "2 Fleurs"

France > Grand Est > Ardennes > 08400 > Saint-Morel > Mairie

Saint-Morel is a village of 243 inhabitants called Saint-Morellois. It lies 7km south of Vouziers and is part of the Communauté de Communes de l'Argonne Ardennaise. It boasts a charming listed church dating from the 15th and 16th centuries Roland Garros, the famous aviator, was shot down on the commune's territory on October 5, 1918. Destination Sud Ardennes10 place Carnot08400 VOUZIERTél: 03 24 71 97 [email protected]

Saint-Morel - Village Fleuri "2 Fleurs"  France Grand Est Ardennes Saint-Morel 08400
Les lieux touristiques dans un rayon de 10 kms.

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Datatourism data updated on: 2024-02-07 22:19:17.134