Circuit Haute Dourbie

France > Occitanie > Aveyron > 12230 > Saint-Jean-du-Bruel

Technical passages, demanding altitude changes, majestic landscapes on the Dourbie gorges and the Cevennes... A dream cocktail for experienced trailers...

Start / Finish : Base de loisirs de la Roque (D114), St-Jean du Bruel The duration of the course can vary between 2h and 4h according to the level of the practitioner. 1- From the leisure center of La Roque, go to the hamlet of Viala, cross it. 2- At the end of the hamlet, take the track on the right which rises in big laces through this beautiful forest. The track is common with the two other trail circuits (Saint-Guiral Vertical and Saint-Guiral Circus) until km 2,3 3- Then, this circuit of the Haute Dourbie turns to the North-East to reach the magnificent little hamlet of Tayrac nestled in the hollow of the valley, close to the clear and sometimes roaring waters of the Dourbie. This torrent is crossed by a footbridge (583 m alt. and km 5,9) then we attack the first big difficulty on the slopes of the peak of Trescol to join the hamlet of Coulet (km 9,1) 4- We pass then the highest point of this circuit at 806 m of altitude (km 9,4) to go down again immediately on the hamlet of Brunelerie (km 10) where we should not miss to admire the architecture of these small typical houses. As soon as you leave this hamlet, you start a magnificent descent (350 m of negative difference in height) in a breathtaking scenery overhanging the Dourbie gorges with a panoramic view on these rocky tables, on the torrent, on the Bondon mill. It's technical, it's playful, ideal to have fun. 5- Arrived at the hamlet of La Rougerie (km 12,8), we finally attack the 3rd ascent in the middle of the chestnut grove, that is to say a gain of 260 m of additional positive difference in altitude. For the curious and the courageous, you can offer yourself a 1,4km return trip to Notre-Dame de la Sentinelle (after 14,6 km of race, small sign indicating the fork on the left, shortly before arriving at the road). 6- We enter finally in the final with a beautiful surprise in this descending part, an all schuss cut in the wood with a slope which flirts with the 30% by place. At the bottom of the Seingleys valley, all that remains is to let yourself slide for a smooth return to St Jean du Bruel and the old bridge over the Dourbie. Return to the starting point by crossing the village of St-Jean du Bruel and the hamlet of Bruel. Recommendations: Water reserve of 1,5 l essential, windbreaker and energy reserve. Find the trail circuits of Larzac and the valleys by clicking here

Circuit Haute Dourbie  France Occitanie Aveyron Saint-Jean-du-Bruel 12230


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