Distillerie Frigolet liqueur

France > Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur > Bouches-du-Rhône > 13160 > Châteaurenard > 26 Rue Rolland Inisan ancienne Rue Voltaire

Visit, sale and tasting at the Distillerie Frigolet Liqueur.

Tasting and sales. The production of the Frigolet liqueur.began in Châteaurenard in 1865. Father Gaucher, a famous character from the stories of Alphonse Daudet, had developed a 'green, golden, hot, sparkling, exquisite' liqueur (extract from Letters From My Windmill). This divine drink has been made here ever since, in this distillery, in the heart of Provence. Thirty plants form the secret of the liqueur's production. Once the plants have been harvested, dried, sorted and laid out carefully, they are macerated in neutral spirits. After first being placed in an oak barrel, the liqueur is completed by adding sugar and honey. As for the rest, Father Gaucher would not forgive us if we betrayed his secret. Discover Frigoleïo, chardon and baba in liqueur, as well as ice cream and many other delights. In 2006, the Frigolet Liqueur Distillery was awarded the national 'Living Heritage Business' label. On this occasion, the Inisan family received the Medal of the City from the Deputy Mayor, Mr Bernard Reynes. In 2008, it was awarded two national labels: 'Destination Business', which brings together and rewards businesses aiming to promote the culture of their skills and transmit it through public visits, and 'Tourism and Disabilit This second label has precise criteria, such as the signposting of access paths and circuits inside buildings, and explanatory notices on the use of the different items exhibited and the history and components of the product.

Distillerie Frigolet liqueur  France Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Bouches-du-Rhône Châteaurenard 13160

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