Le Mas des Chèvres

France > Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur > Bouches-du-Rhône > 13160 > Châteaurenard > 476 Chemin du Petit San Rémo

Cheese-processing goat farm in Châteaurenard. Goat cheeses and farmhouse dairy products made from raw milk.

Agnès Gaffet was honored by the Maîtres Cuisiniers de France at the first edition of the Oscars de l'Agriculture et de la Mer in 2019, and will be honored again in 2021. She produces goat's cheese and goat's milk dairy products (faisselles, fromages blancs and fromages fouettés "type brousse", tommes and camemberts made from raw goat's milk in season) Drive-in sales directly from the farmhouse (to order) Additional activity: "Mon Jardin aux Sirops", production, manufacturing and sale of syrups of aromatic plants, rhizomes and flowers made with organic sugar.

Le Mas des Chèvres  France Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Bouches-du-Rhône Châteaurenard 13160
Les lieux touristiques dans un rayon de 10 kms.

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Datatourism data updated on: 2024-04-17 05:08:12.615