France > Grand Est > Meurthe-et-Moselle > 54950 > Saint-Clément > 57 rue du Neuf Pays #### Association St Clément, ses Fayences et son Passé

Since 2006, associations of enthusiasts have joined forces to promote the rich faience heritage of Lorraine by organizing thematic exhibitions. Each year, a new theme is presented in the same places and periods This leaflet offers you to discover the variety of exhibitions organized by volunteers or by the museums of the region, partners of this Route de la Faïence. You will be able to discover the richness of Lorraine's ceramics, their history and their manufacturing techniques along a route that extends over a large part of the region. We look forward to meeting you for enriching exchanges!

ROUTE DE LA FAÏENCE EN LORRAINE  France Grand Est Meurthe-et-Moselle Saint-Clément 54950

Copyrights asso St Clément

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Datatourism data updated on: 2024-01-19 04:04:10.421