Circuit Gravel 60 km Le petit tour du Jura Alsacien

France > Grand Est > Haut-Rhin > 68480 > Ferrette > 1A rue de la 1ère Armée

This beautiful loop of nearly 62 km goes around the Alsatian Jura massif. Starting here from Durlinsdorf, you will start slowly towards Courtavon to reach the castle of Morimont. From there, a climb begins, in several stages, to reach the summit of Glaserberg and especially the Neuneich pass where you will enjoy a beautiful panorama on the Alsatian Jura. You will then go back down by a beautiful white path, on the Swiss border, along the Lucelle river to reach Kiffis then by a small tourist road not devoid of charm, Wolschwiller and finally Biederthal. A stop can be considered in Oltingue before going back down to the larch forest of Durmenach and its beautiful picnic area located along a stream. Finally, you will go back up to Vieux Ferrette and then along the first reliefs of the Jura to Durlinsdorf!

Circuit Gravel 60 km Le petit tour du Jura Alsacien  France Grand Est Haut-Rhin Ferrette 68480
Les lieux touristiques dans un rayon de 10 kms.

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Datatourism data updated on: 2024-04-30 03:08:49.546