
France > Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur > Bouches-du-Rhône > 13200 > Arles > 7, rue de la rotonde

Extramentale is a curatorial and editorial platform, founded in 2016 by Julia Marchand. The entire program is dedicated to capturing the signs of an aesthetic haunted by darkness, fairy tales, willful stupidity and extreme sensations.

Etramentale's programming reflects a predominantly "adolescent" aesthetic in the contemporary art world, which embraces young musicians and dancers. From the outset, Extramentale was conceived as an alternative itinerant space that would spread outside of the major capitals. It combines a research axis with a program oriented towards young creation and the logic of proximity collaboration. Some of the events have been produced in non-artistic places in Arles, such as Le Cargo de Nuit, with Regina Demina in 2018, the food market for the presentation of the fashion label MISKINA by the artist Kevin Blinderman, an old disused butcher's shop for the exhibition of two students of the ENSP or the floor of the Monoprix for the collaboration with Mohamed Bourouissa and the Rencontres de la Photographie in 2019. Exhibitions have been held in domestic spaces (personal exhibition of Robin Plus in Arles in 2020) or Can One Rejuvenate Through Cruelty in 2017, as well as in galleries, such as the traveling exhibition around Henry Darger (Abbiennian Novlangue, in Arles and then in Paris at the Sultana Gallery in 2020). The platform also works closely with the Swiss and Georgian scenes (personal presentation of Lili Signorini in Tbilisi in 2019).

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Datatourism data updated on: 2023-10-25 05:15:39.574