Rencontre Autour du Roman Fille perdue

France > Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur > Alpes-Maritimes > 06620 > Gourdon > Bibliothèque Intercommunale de Gourdon #### Place Noel Pouijade


Conversation on the novel Fille perdue, by Adeline Yzac (published by La Manufacture de Livres), with author Geneviève Faleni, psychoanalyst, and reading of excerpts by La Compagnie des Voyageurs de Mots.

A novel built on a historical backdrop that has been glossed over, Fille perdue (Lost Daughter) tells of a time when morality and science combined their efforts to maintain the yoke weighing down on women?s bodies.

Rencontre Autour du Roman Fille perdue  France Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Alpes-Maritimes Gourdon 06620

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