Animations Cardaillac Journées Nationales du Patrimoine


The association Les rendez-vous du Sécadou offers a program of events in Cardaillac on Saturday, September 16, 2023

14h30 ? 4:00 pm: Guided tour of Cardaillac with Dame Béatrice Béatrice Quillerou, known as "Dame Béatrice", will offer a guided tour of Cardaillac?s heritage and history, taking participants on a journey through time. She will evoke for you the different events that made up the history of the village and that of France, such as the Hundred Years War, the Wars of Religion and the French Revolution. During the tour, Hugues, Baron of Cardaillac, King Pepin the Short of Aquitaine and Richard the Lionheart will come to life for a moment. The discovery or rediscovery of the village will be punctuated by historical reminders and anecdotes. The tour will be interactive, involving the public. Meet at Place du Fort ? duration: 1h15 to 1h30 Participation free but necessary Information and booking (recommended): 06 85 70 06 64 (Dame Béatrice) 5pm-6.30pm: Martine BERGUES: Tales, legends and fantastic beings: a local treasure trove. A wealth of local knowledge circulated in early rural society. Described as oral literature, it includes not only tales, but also racontes, a term used to describe legends, character stories, beliefs, anecdotes and jokes. These tales will be presented in all their variety and richness. Listening to them, the landscape is multiplied and enlivened, places become denser and more enchanting. Emphasis will be placed on the fantastic beings - drakes, fairies, ghosts - that sometimes still inhabit our imaginations. Martine BERGUES, ethnologist with the Lot department and author of temporary exhibitions at the Cuzals Ecomuseum. Salle des fêtes ? duration 1h30 18h30? Musical aperitif with Vous avez dit baroque? "Vous avez dit baroque? is an early music trio that brings together musicians from different horizons, thanks to chance encounters between the Lot and Aveyron regions. Their repertoire, whether French, German or Italian, covers the different styles that blended their influences throughout Europe, from the 17th to the 18th century. Instrumentarium includes spinet (Gilles Liacopoulos), cello (Marie-Cécile Lefrançois) and recorder (Daniel Roques).

Animations Cardaillac Journées Nationales du Patrimoine null France null null null null

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