Les Bouchons de Nogent le Rotrou#3


Écurie Perche Rétro Auto Sport is organizing the third Bouchons de Nogent le Rotrou. A day that will take us back to the years 65-70! Vintage cars, trucks and two-wheelers are invited, with period outfits preferred for drivers and passengers.

Écurie Perche Rétro Auto Sport is organizing the third Bouchons de Nogent le Rotrou. A day that will take us back to the years 65-70! Vintage cars, trucks and two-wheelers are invited, with period outfits preferred for drivers and passengers. Program: 8 a.m. to 10 a.m.: reception of vehicles 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. & 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.: departure of the corker From 4 pm: 60s rock band Catering on site Information and registration: I www.epras.fr I [email protected] Prices: 15 euros per car I 12 euros for two-wheelers

Les Bouchons de Nogent le Rotrou#3 null France null null null null

Copyrights ©VilledeNogentLeRotrou

Les lieux touristiques dans un rayon de 10 kms.

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Datatourism data updated on: 2024-05-10 01:26:50.144