Jardin d'inspiration médiévale de la Maladrerie Saint-Lazare

France > Hauts-de-France > Oise > 60000 > Beauvais > 203, rue de Paris

Enclosed garden, structured by hedges of hedges of hornbeam and beeches, it includes several thematic areas: the contemplative gardens of Mary and the cloister, the garden of the simple, the garden of vegetable plants, cereals, small fruits and vines.

This garden although of medieval inspiration is a contemporary creation of the services of the Communauté d'agglomération du Beauvaisis. It was established in 2009 at the Maladrerie Sain-Lazare, a former leper colony of the 13th century. It is an enclosed garden, structured by hedges of hornbeam and beech. A place for relaxation and meditation, it invites you to stroll around and discover the different types of gardens and crops that existed in the Middle Ages. It includes several themes: the contemplative gardens of Mary and the cloister, the garden of simple plants, the garden of vegetables, cereals, small fruits and vines Free entry from 01/04 to 30/09: Tuesday to Sunday and public holidays from 11am to 6pm. Guided tours at 4pm. See the calendar on www.maladrerie.fr

Jardin d'inspiration médiévale de la Maladrerie Saint-Lazare  France Hauts-de-France Oise Beauvais 60000

Copyrights VisitBeauvais

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