
The Comite des fêtes de Saint-Alban-sur-Limagnole, invites you to the 2nd edition of its spring festival, in Saint-Alban-sur-Limagnole. A plant swap is organized with the help of Jardin Nature 48. A sale of flowers and plants is proposed by ...

The Comite des fêtes de Saint-Alban-sur-Limagnole, invites you to the 2nd edition of its spring festival, in Saint-Alban-sur-Limagnole. A plant swap is organized with the help of Jardin Nature 48. The committee will be selling flowers and plants. A market of producers and craftsmen will also be present, with some sixty stands.. Entertainment will be provided throughout the day for young and old... (Chainsaw sculptor: French champion grizzly bear, horse-drawn carriage rides, children's games, wheelbarrow races for young and old with prizes to be won, honey tasting, basket-making...), ... with the presence of Gregory Chamming's, En quête du vivant, and Alexandre Burtin un rêve de Balbu, for discovery workshops/walks.... 10am to 12pm: garden tour 2pm to 4pm: nature in the city. Catering on site Refreshment bar A festive, family and musical day, accompanied by Pot Poète, Loz Banda, les musiciens de la Truyere... A moment of sharing and exchange, on the theme of nature, recycling, zero waste, biodiversity, local flora and fauna... We look forward to seeing you there. Don't hesitate to contact us for further information and/or registration... See you soon.

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